As a supply chain management professor, consultant, and investor, my mission is to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and investment by advancing the understanding and implementation of innovative logistics and e-commerce technologies. I aim to foster effective and efficient supply chains, creating value for businesses, investors, students, the university, and society.
I’m currently a Strategic Advisor to NewRoad Capital Partners, former Dean Emeritus of the Sam M. Walton College of Business, and Professor of Supply Chain Management.
My work as a professor, researcher, and consultant is synergistic, blending academic research with practical insights from industry experience. This continuous cycle of learning and application makes my work more effective, relevant, and impactful.
My goals include contributing to academia through high-quality research and publications, cultivating the next generation of professionals through excellent teaching, and creating value for the organizations I consult by optimizing their strategy and investments. I strive to stay at the forefront of industry trends and emerging technologies.
Tactically, I set aside dedicated time for research, writing, and staying current with industry news. I attend conferences, and workshops, regularly reach out to existing clients, and provide guest lectures, webinars, and workshops to share knowledge and collaborate with others interested in these topics.
The opinions expressed in this content are solely my own, Matt Waller, and do not represent the University of Arkansas or any other organizations I am associated with. The information provided here comes from various sources, including third-party materials, academic articles, presentations, and companies connected to private equity, venture capital, and other investment firms. I cannot guarantee the ongoing accuracy or relevance of this information for specific situations. This content is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, investment, or tax advice. It is recommended that you consult with your own advisors regarding these matters. Any references to securities or digital assets serve only as examples and do not constitute investment recommendations or offers to provide investment advisory services. This content is not intended for use by investors or potential investors.
Refereed Publications
1. Guerber, A.J., Anand, V., Ellstrand, A.E., Waller, M.A., & Reychav, I. (2019). “Extending the Situational Crisis Communication Theory: The Impact of Linguistic Style and Culture,” Corporate Reputation Review, 1-22.
2. Eroglu, C., Williams, B.D., & Waller, M.A. (2018). "Using the Pack-and-a-Half Rule to Eliminate Backroom Inventories in Retail Operations," Journal of Business Logistics 39.3: 164-181.
3. Jin, Y., Swanson, R., Ozment, J., & Waller, M. (2017). “To Survive and Thrive under Hypercompetition: An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Strategic Purity on Truckload Motor Carrier Financial Performance,” Transportation Journal, 56 (1), 1-34.
4. Tokar, T., Aloysius, J., Waller, M.A., & Hawkins, D. (2016). “Exploring Framing Effects in Inventory Control Decisions: Violations of Procedure Invariance,” Production and Operations Management Journal, 25(2), 306-329.
5. Fawcett, A. M., Jin, Y. H., Hofer, C., Waller, M. A., & Brazhkin, V. (2016). “Sweating the Assets: Asset Leanness and Financial Performance in the Motor Carrier Industry.” Journal of Business Logistics, 37(1), 43–58.
6. Moussaoui, I., Williams, B., Hofer, C., Aloysius, J., & Waller, M.A. (forthcoming). (2016). “Retail On-shelf Availability: Systematic Review, Critical Assessment, and Reflections on the Road Ahead,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 46(5), 516-535.
7. Swanson, D., Williams, B., Gu, J., & Waller, M.A. (2015). “Full Steam Ahead: Firms in the U.S. Economy Adjust Inventory Changes for Changes in Transportation but Not the Reverse,” Transportation Journal, 55 (3), 282-295.
8. Jin, Y., Williams, B., Tokar, T., & Waller, M.A. (2015). “Forecasting with Temporally Aggregated Demand Signals in a Retail Supply Chain,” Journal of Business Logistics, 36(2), 9-211.
9. Jin, Y., Williams, B., Waller, M.A., & Hofer, A. (2015). “Masking the Bullwhip Effect: The Perils of Data Aggregation,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 45(8), 814-830.
10. Tokar, T., Aloysius, J.A., Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2014). “Bracing for demand shocks: An experimental investigation,” Journal of Operations Management, 32(4), 205-216.
11. Williams, B., Waller, M.A., Ahire, S., & Ferrier, G. (2014). “Predicting Retailer Orders with POS and Order Data: The Inventory Balance Effect,” European Journal of Operational Research, 232(3), 593-600.
12. Hofer, A.R., Hofer, C. and Waller, M. 2014. What Gets Suppliers to Play and Who Gets the Pay? On the Antecedents and Outcomes of Collaboration in Retailer-Supplier Dyads. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25 (2): 226-244
13. Eroglu, C., Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2013). "The Backroom Effect in Retail Operations," Production and Operations Management Journal, 22(4), 915-923.
14. Tokar, T., Aloysius, J. A., & Waller, M.A. (2012). "Supply Chain Inventory Replenishment: The Debiasing Effect of Declarative Knowledge," Decision Sciences, 43(3), 525-546.
15. Hofer, C., Jin, Y., Swanson, R., Waller, M.A., & Williams, B. (2012). “The Impact of Key Retail Accounts on Supplier Performance: A Collaborative Perspective of Resource Dependency Theory,” Journal of Retailing, 88(3), 412-420.
16. Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2011). "Estimating a Retailer's Base Stock Level: An Optimal Distribution Center Order Forecast Policy," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(4), 662-666.
17. Tokar, T., Aloysius, J. A., Waller, M.A., & Williams, B. (2011). "Retail promotions and information sharing in the supply chain: a controlled experiment," International Journal of Logistics Management, 22(1), 5-25.
18. Hofer, A. R., Hofer, C., Eroglu, C., & Waller, M.A. (2011). "An institutional theoretic perspective on forces driving adoption of lean production globally: China vis-à-vis the United States," International Journal of Logistics Management, 22(2), 148-178.
19. Eroglu, C., Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2011). "Consumer-driven retail operations: The moderating effects of consumer demand and case pack quantity," International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 41(5), 420 – 434.
20. Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2011). "Top-down vs. Bottom-up Demand Forecasts: The Value of Shared Point-of-sale in the Retail Supply Chain," Journal of Business Logistics, 32(1), 17-26.
21. Waller, M.A., Williams, B., Tangari, A., & Burton, S. (2010). "Marketing at the Retail Shelf: An Examination of Moderating Effects of Logistics on SKU Market Share," Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 38(1), 105-117.
22. Williams, B., & Waller, M.A. (2010). "Creating Order Forecasts: POS and Order History?," Journal of Business Logistics, 32(1), 231-251.
23. Nachtmann, H., Waller, M.A., & Rieske, D. W. (2010). "The Impact of Point-of-sale Data Inaccuracy and Inventory Record Data Errors," Journal of Business Logistics, 31(1), 149-158.
24. Fawcett, S., Waller, M.A., & Fawcett, A. M. (2010). "Elaborating a dynamic systems theory to understand collaborative inventory successes and failures," International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(3), 510-537.
25. Hardgrave, W.C., Simon Langford, Matthew A. Waller, Robert Miller. “Measuring the Impact of RFID on Out-of-Stocks at Wal-Mart,” MIS Quarterly Executive, 7(4), (2008), 181-192.
26. Waller, M.A., A. Tangari, B. Williams. “Case Pack Quantity’s Effect on Retail Market Share: An Examination of the Backroom Logistics Effect and the Store-Level Fill Rate Effect,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38(6), (2008), 436-451.
27. Waller, M.A., B. Williams, C. Eroglu. “Hidden Effects of Variable Order Review Intervals in Inventory Control,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38(3), (2008), 244-258.
28. Waller, M.A., H. Nachtmann, J. Hunter. “Measuring the Impact of Inaccurate Inventory Information on a Retail Outlet,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 17(3), (2006), 355-376.
29. Waller, M.A., R. Cassady, J. Ozment. “Impact of Cross Docking on Inventory in a Decentralized Retail Supply Chain,” Transportation Research – Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 42, (2006), 359-382.
30. Angulo, A., H. Nachtmann, M.A. Waller. “Supply Chain Information Sharing in a Vendor Managed Inventory Partnership,” Journal of Business Logistics, 25(1), (2004), 101-120.
31. Stassen, R.E., M.A. Waller. “Logistics and Assortment Depth in the Retail Supply Chain: Evidence From Grocery Categories,” Journal of Business Logistics, 23(1), (2002), 125-144.
32. Waller, M.A., P.A. Dabholkar, J. Gentry. “Postponement, Product Customization, and Market-Oriented Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, 21(2), (2000), 133-160.
33. Waller, M.A., E.M. Johnson, T. Davis. “Vendor Managed Inventory in the Retail Supply Chain,” Journal of Business Logistics, 20(1), (1999), 183-204.
34. Gentry, J., M.A. Waller, S.B. Keller. “Exploring Alternative Purchasing Strategies: Just-in-Time or Just Enough?” Journal of Transportation Management, 11(2), (1999), 1-15.
35. Ahire, S., D. Golhar, M.A. Waller. “Development and Validation of TQM Implementation Constructs,” Decision Sciences, 27(1), (1996), 23-56.
36. Ahire, S., M.A. Waller , D. Golhar. “Quality Management in TQM versus Non-TQM Firms: An Empirical Investigation,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 13(8), (1996).
37. Waller, M.A., D. Flanagan, S. Deshpande. “A Logistic Regression Analysis of Union Elections in Warehousing,” Journal of Business Logistics, 17(1), (1996), 179-190.
38. Ahire, S., M.A. Waller. “Management Perception of the Link between Product Quality and Customers’ View of Product Quality,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 16(9), (1996), 23-33.
39. Waller, M.A., R.A. Novack. "The Effects of Judgmental Structure, Complexity, and Consistency on Managerial Performance," Journal of Business Logistics, 16(2), (1995), 137-152.
40. Waller, M.A., R.A. Novack. “Using Policy Capturing to Identify the Effects of External Consistency on Logistics Managers’ Performance,” Transportation Journal, 34(3), (1995), 45-53.
41. Flanagan, D., S. Deshpande, M.A. Waller. “An Empirical Study of Union Elections in Motor Carriage,” Logistics and Transportation Review, 31(4), (1995), 341-352.
42. Waller, M.A., D. Woolsey, R. Seaker. “Reengineering Order Fulfillment,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 6(2), (1995), 1-10.
43. Dunn, S.C., R.F. Seaker, M.A. Waller. "Latent Variables in Business Logistics Research: Scale Development and Validation," Journal of Business Logistics, 15(2), (1994), 145-172.
44. Ahire, S., M.A. Waller. "Incremental and Breakthrough Process Improvement: An Integrative Framework," International Journal of Logistics Management, 5(1), (1994), 19-32.
45. Seaker, R.F., M.A. Waller. “Brainstorming: The Common Thread in TQM, Empowerment, Re-Engineering, and Continuous Improvement,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 13(1), (1994), 24-31.
46. Waller, M.A. "Optimal Investment by the Principal in order to Increase the Probability of Favorable States of Nature in the Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44(2), (1993), 193-198.
47. Dunn, S.C., R.F. Seaker, M.A. Waller. "A Note on Research Methodology in Business Logistics," Logistics and Transportation Review, 29(4), (1993), 383-387.
48. Waller, M.A., D.P. Christy. "Competitive Incentives for Manufacturing Flexibility," International Journal of Production Economics, 28(1), (1992), 35-45.
49. Swamidass, P.M., M.A. Waller. "A Classification of Approaches to Planning and Justifying New Manufacturing Technology," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 9(3), (1990), 181-193.
Published Books
1. Braham, A,, Waller, M., English, J. (2022). Values-Driven Authentic Leadership: Essential Lessons from the LeadershipWWEB Podcast Series. Redwood City, CA: Epic Books.
2. Waller, M.A., & Caldwell, S. (2021). The Dean's List: Leading a Modern Business School. Redwood City, CA: Epic Books.
3. Thompson, K., & Waller, M.A. (2019). Purple on the Inside: How J.B. Hunt Transport Set Itself Apart in a Field Full of Brown Cows. Redwood City, CA: Epic Books. (NOTE: Mr. Thompson is Chairman of the Board of J. B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.)
4. Van Hoek, R., Fugate, B., Davletshin, M., & Waller, M.A. (2019). Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management: A Toolkit for Practical Implementation. New York, NY: Kogan Page.
5. Waller, M.A., & Esper, T.L. (2014). The Definitive Guide to Inventory Management: Principles and Strategies for the Effective Flow of Inventory Across the Supply Chain. New York, NY: Pearson Education.
1. Waller, M. A., Fawcett, S. E., & Johnson, J. L. (2015), “The Luxury Paradox: How Systems Thinking and Supply Chain Collaboration Can Bring Sustainability into Mainstream Practice.” Journal of Business Logistics, 36: 303–305.
2. Fawcett, S. E., & Waller, M. A. (2015), “Designing the Supply Chain for Success at the Bottom of the Pyramid.” Journal of Business Logistics, 36(3): 233–239.
3. Waller, M. A., & Fawcett, S. E. (2015), “Executive Education is an Implementation of Supply Chain Management in Collegiate Schools of Business.” Journal of Business Logistics, 36(2): 135–138.
4. Fawcett, S. E., & Waller, M. A. (2015), “The Quest for Societal ROI in the Midst of the Perfect Storm: Can SCM Set the Standard for Twenty-First Century Business Education?” Journal of Business Logistics, 36(1): 1–8.
5. Waller, M. A., & Fawcett, S. E. (2014). “The SCM Knowledge Supply Chain: Integrating World Views to Advance the Discipline.” Journal of Business Logistics, 35(4), 277-280.
6. Fawcett, S. E., & Waller, M. A. (2014). “Supply Chain Game Changers—Mega, Nano, and Virtual Trends—And Forces that Impede Supply Chain Design (i.e., Building a Winning Team).” Journal of Business Logistics, 35(3), 157-164.
7. Waller, M. A., & Fawcett, S. E. (2014). “Click Here to Print a Maker Movement Supply Chain: How Invention and Entrepreneurship Will Disrupt Supply Chain Design.” Journal of Business Logistics, 35(2), 99-102.
8. Fawcett, S. E., Waller, M. A., Miller, J. W., Schwieterman, M. A., Hazen, B. T., & Overstreet, R. E. (2014). “A Trail Guide to Publishing Success: Tips on Writing Influential Conceptual, Qualitative, and Survey Research.” Journal of Business Logistics, 35(1), 1-16.
9. Fawcett, S. E., & Waller, M. A. (2014). “Can We Stay Ahead of the Obsolescence Curve? On Inflection Points, Proactive Preemption, and the Future of Supply Chain Management.” Journal of Business Logistics, 35(1), 17-22.
10. Waller, M. A., & Fawcett, S. E. (2013), “Click Here for a Data Scientist: Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and Theory Development in the Era of a Maker Movement Supply Chain.” Journal of Business Logistics, 34(4), 249-252.
11. Fawcett, S.E., & Waller, M.A. (2013), "Considering Supply Chain Management's Professional Identity: The Beautiful Discipline (Or,“We Don't Cure Cancer, But We Do Make a Big Difference”)." Journal of Business Logistics 34(3): 183-188.
12. Waller, M.A. & Fawcett, S. (2013), “Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Big Data: A Revolution that will Transform Supply Chain Design and Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, 34 (2): 77-84.
13. Fawcett, S. & Waller, M.A. (2013), “Inquiry and the Practice of Theoretical Conversation: Engaging in Dialogue to Elaborate Hidden Connections,” Journal of Business Logistics, 34 (1): 1-5.
14. Waller, M.A., & Fawcett, S. (2012), “The Impact of Supply Chain Management Research: You Can't Unring a Bell!,” Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (4): 259-261.
15. Fawcett, S. & Waller, M.A. (2012), “Mitigating the Myopia of Dominant Logics: On Differential Performance and Strategic Supply Chain Research,” Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (3): 173-180.
16. Waller, M.A., & Fawcett, S. (2012), “Mathematical Modeling in Logistics: In for a Penny, in for a Pound,” Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (2): 78-79.
17. Fawcett, S., Waller, M.A., & Van Hoek, R. (2012), “Thought Leaders and Thoughtful Leaders: Advancing Logistics and Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (2): 75-77.
18. Waller, M.A., & Fawcett, S. (2012), “The Total Cost Concept of Logistics: One of Many Fundamental Logistics Concepts Begging for Answers,” Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (1): 1-3.
19. Fawcett, S. & Waller, M.A. (2011), “Moving the Needle: Making a Contribution When the Easy Questions Have Been Answered,” Journal of Business Logistics, 32 (4): 291-295.
20. Fawcett, S. & Waller, M.A. (2011), “Switching Our Lenses for New Perspectives: A Prescription for Writing and Reviewing Out of Your Comfort Zone,” Journal of Business Logistics, 32 (3): 209-213.
21. Fawcett, S., Waller, M.A., & Bowersox, D. (2011), “Cinderella in the C-Suite: Conducting Influential Research to Advance the Logistics and Supply Chain Disciplines,” Journal of Business Logistics, 32(2): 115-121.
22. Fawcett, S. & Waller, M.A. (2011), “Making Sense Out of Chaos: Why Theory is Relevant to Supply Chain Research,” Journal of Business Logistics, 32(1): 1-5.
1. Waller, M.A., & Dulaney, E.F. System, Method and Article of Manufacture to Optimize Inventory and Merchandising Shelf Space Utilization, Patent N. US 6,341,269 B1. Date of Patent: January 22, 2002.